Introducing Islam

Categories of Hajj

Hajj is divided, according to the distance away from Mecca, into two parts: Hajj-ut-Tamatu‘ anf Hajj Al-Qiran (called also Hajj Al-Ifrad).


1- Hajj At-Tamatu‘

It is obligatory on whoever lives almost 12 miles or more away from Mecca, which is almost equal to 21,6 km. It is called Tamatu‘ (enjoyment) because the pilgrim is allowed to enjoy, between Umra and Hajj, what is forbidden on him during his Ihram.


2- Hajj Al-Qiran

It is obligatory on those who live at a lesser distance than Hajj At-Tamatu‘. It is called Ifrad because it separates between the pilgrim’s Hajj and Umra, thus performing each independently. As for Hajj Al-Qiran, it involves that the pilgrim should take the animal chosen for sacrifice (Hady) along with him from the moment he performs Ihram until he sacrifices it.


The duties of Hajj At-Tamatu‘

Firstly: Umrat At-Tamatu‘

The duties of UmratAt-Tamatu‘ are five:

1- Ihram that has to be worn from one of the Meqats (certain sites in which the pilgrim is required to wear Ihram before entering into Mecca) that will be discussed later on.

2- Performing the Tawaf of Umra around the Ka‘aba

3- Praying two ruku‘ behind Maqam Ibrahim (a.s.)

4- Sa‘y between Safa and Marwah

5- Taqseer, i.e. clipping one’s hair or nails with which the pilgrim’s Ihram ends.


Secondly: Hajj At-Tamatu‘

The duties of Hajj At-Tamatu‘ consecutively are:

1- Ihram for Hajj in Mecca

2- Wuquf at Arafat: The pilgrim has to be present at Arafat from midday on the ninth of Thul-Hijja till sunset.

3- Wuquf at Muzdelifah: The pilgrim has to be present at Muzdelifah during the period from dawn till sunrise on the tenth of Zulhijja. This is for the capable men, as for women, the elderly, and children; it is enough to pass through at Muzdelifah by night.

4- Rami of Jamratul Aqaba (Al-Jamratul Kubra): Throwing at the Aqaba stone (the Biggest Stone) after sunrise.

5- Sacrificing animals (Hady).

6- Shaving or Taqseer in Mina

7- Duties in Mecca: Tawaf of Hajj, then its prayer, then the Sa‘y, then Tawaf-un-Nisa’ (the Tawaf of women), then its prayer. It is not obligatory to perform these duties on the day of the Eid, but rather they can be delayed to the following days.

8- Staying at Mina overnight on the eleventh and twelfth of Zulhijja.

9- Rami (throwing) the three stones on the eleventh and twelfth of Zulhijja.

10- Leaving Mina on the afternoon of the twelfth of Zulhijja; thus, fulfilling all the Hajj obligations.

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