Introducing Islam


The Shiite Muslims, Twelvers, believe in Imamate after the passing away of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him and His Family), and hence they believe that Imam Ali ben Abi-Talib (Peace Be Upon Him), who is followed by eleven Imams (Peace Be Upon Them), is the legal and religious successor appointed by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him and His Family) in GhadeerKhumm on 18 Zulhijja 10 AH (≈16 March 632). In this vein, the Imamate of Imam Ali (PBUH)represents the state of extension to the capacity of prophet-hood but without being a prophet, although the Imams are not infallible. Under the Imamate doctrine, the Shiite Muslims should be a true model of Islam because they are the followers of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him and His Family) and they should seek all the noble means to achieve the Islamic unity. In this context, Imam Ali ben Abi-Talib (PBUH) did not fight those who did not consider him the direct successor of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him and His Family) because he was looking for the sake of Islam and Muslims. Thus, Imam Ali (PBUH) remained peaceful and worked to achieve and preserve the interests of Islam and Muslims. Drawing on these principles, Imam Ali (PBUH) worked with the then Caliphs and urged them to achieve the objectives of Islam; hence Imam Ali is the pioneer of Islamic unity. In this vein, the eleven Imams (Peace Be Upon Them) who succeeded Imam Ali (PBUH) worked to achieve this strategy of preserving Islam and calling for Islamic unity. Under this umbrella, the messages of these Imams are the message of their grandfather Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him and His Family). It is the message of Islam that aims to prevail the meaning of justice, faith, morale, mercy and knowledge among Muslims.

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